Friday, June 22, 2012

An Overture from the Overlords

Another season of Falling Skies is upon us and mysteries abound.  The two part premier won many accolades for its start although I thought it was pretty much an "actioner" without too much plot development.  Much of the high praise was attributed to the scribes that have "Battlestar Galactica" on their respective resumes, Bradley Thompson and David Weddle.  While the theme of a hardy band of human beings being chased by a superior race is fraught with danger we've seen it before in the aforementioned "Galactica".

What`I wanted to get to here is what brings the so called "Overlords" and their minions to our planet and who are they really.

I nearly thought Tom Mason was going to address or divulge my theory in the so called Bridge or Throne Room scene where the Overlord makes his offer of interment camps to Mason.  By the way, this may not be the bridge of the alien spaceship.  It may be the Captains quarters or it may actually be a Throne room.  I'd prefer it to be the bridge of the craft but everything works for me.

As to my theory, don't you ever wonder why humanity wasn't wiped out in its entirety?  How is it the 2nd Mass and its brethren units managed to survive and why have the aliens erected their tripod machines in the the cities?  (Poor Boston, at least that thing isn't sitting over Fenway Park.)  And how is it the war has devolved into small unit action?

I think the devices over the cities are mining for something.  Being a city with its high concentration of humanity the ahem, waste, has to go somewhere and that location is the vast sewer system under the asphalt.  Yes, dear readers they are after high concentrations of methane.  I'm going to posit that the methane is needed to refine the the element needed to power their interstellar spaceships.  I haven't identified the "element" yet (although I can think of a few jokes) but I think they are in a hurry to refine it and that explains why they are in such a hurry to get it and why some measure of humanity was allowed to survive.  Reservations or encampments of humanity means more concentrations of "methane refinement".

Funny yes and I'm laughing as I type this but I don't think that's the most important part of my theory.  These space aliens that we know of as the "Overlords" are apparently superior to humanity and the obviously need us for the aforementioned "crappy" theory but there is something more to them and their big hurry.

They are on the run.

They are not just the hunters but the hunted.  That's their big secret.  Something is after them, something that is bigger and badder and they need to move fast before it catches up with them.  Call them Space Pirates or even Space Criminals but the Overlords aren't the biggest kid on the block.  This also explains their view on humanity.  The Overlord captain cited many miserable moments from man's history to justify his offer to Tom Mason of "refuge".  That's because as criminals or outlaws that is what appeals to them.  There are many glorious moments to man's history they could have chosen from but that doesn't suit them.  Perhaps that will be more suited to their pursuers.

So there you have it.  The Overlords are on top now but not for long.  What will their pursuers be like?  Benevolent?  Or will humanity be treated as bugs on the windshield of their squad cars?

Next up, the secret behind "Red Eye" the Skitter that let Tom Mason live.


  1. Hi Dave,

    I'm excited for this blog! I really like the changes to FS this season, I guess it's no coincidence since some BSG alums are now involved. I love BSG and other survivors on the run shows like Walking Dead and Lost. FS needed to be grittier and now it is. These characters now seem like they have been through a lot, whereas in season 1 some moments were so overly sentimental that it felt false. They should have been more scared, more guarded and now they are.

    I don't really have any brilliant insight into the alien's agenda, but I love your idea that they are themselves on the run from an even bigger bad. This business with Red Eye is interesting given we know the skitters evolve from harnessed humans (or perhaps harnessed intelligent beings from other planets invaded before earth.) I thought perhaps it was Ricky, but the timing wouldn't work. Maybe a former pupil of Tom's captured early on in the invasion. I even thought maybe it's his wife, but only kids get harnessed right? More likely a Tom-like person captured on a previous planet.

    I don't know if I am happy that Boston seems to be the new go-to setting for disaster, but it is fun hearing all the local town names etc.

    Hunkered down in Boston, Lynne

    1. Hi Lynne, Sorry for the late reply. I'm glad you like the blog, I'll try to post more frequently or I could just let you speculate away and steal my thunder! You and I are of like mind. There is something to the "Red Eye" skitter that should be familiar to Tom Mason and his troupe. Tell you what, you've motivated me. See my next blog entry and stop reading my mind! (Oh, and thanks for the feedback!)

  2. Not like you have anything to do with design but I just wanted to say I HATE how the overlords look!
